Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Water: A new short film directed by Kevin Drew - News


Posted via web from steveause's posterous

Failure - Laura Marling Cover

Love me some Kina Grannis. Seriously though, she is amazing. If you haven't checked her out, do so. Also everyone tell your friends how great she is, she deserves more credit than she gets!

Posted via web from steveause's posterous

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide

Spent today rediscovering The Beatles (music wise). They are tied for favorite band and have literally changed my life as I am sure they have done for countless others. Abbey Road was the first album I ever owned. I received it as a christmas present when I was five. The first play I was in we got to sing "Octopus's Garden" and it made my night. My family also has the tradition of singing and playing "Birthday". Everytime I hear someone say "number 9" I smile to myself (sometimes I will repeat it back as a reflex). I have so many memories that have involved their glorious music and this is why I had to get my praise out into the world via my music blog.
I don't really have any songs I dislike by them but my favorite albums are Revolver, Abbey Road, & The White Album. Sgt. Peppers is pretty trippy so I like that one too.

Songs I am really into right now are Helter Skelter, She Said She Said, USSR, When I'm Sixty-four & I Want You (She's So Heavy)