Thursday, December 23, 2010


I really wanted to keep this up as much as possible, I was doing really well for awhile then I just kind of forgot about.... I sense a new years resolution.
Whirring- The Joy Formidable
Lately my new favorite band has been The Joy formidable, they have probably been around forever... sometimes I just don't find out about great bands for awhile. Anyway... I would recommend listening to all of their stuff but I specifically am enjoying Whirring. Mostly because it was of the first songs I heard by this band. I am trying to think of what they sound like, they remind me of someone specific. I really like the lead singer, she's female but she has the lower tone where it could be either male or female which I find interesting. The music has this sweet sadness to it like most indie rock, I'm not sure what it is but I felt really connected to this music. Travelling Woman - Bat for Lashes. I have had this album forever but I only listened to certain songs. I started listening to this whole album more and I am loving this song. A lot of people can't really get into her music I have noticed. Mostly males. I think she has such an interesting voice, it's clear and raspy at the same time. I also admire her because she is a visual artist as well as a musician. Her music videos are gorgeous.Skinny Love (Bon Iver cover) - Ingrid Michaelson
I love ingrid, I love bon iver (justin vernon), this cover is brilliant. I love how she slowed it down, it's a simple, one take version. Her voice is amazing and I love what she does with this song.