So my latest obsession....(in music) Is the Twilight soundtrack.
I was pretty skeptical at first. I mean really skeptical but it has definitely grown on me.
I was kind of mad though because I bought it at borders and it turn out
the iTunes version has more songs and it's cheaper.
So my favorite songs from the album so far.... MuteMath- Spotlight (Twilight Mix)
and also the Rob Pattinson song Never Think. I was pleasantly surprised by his
musical abilities. He sounds like an authentic singer/songwriter type.
Some reasons I was hesitant about listening to this was because I don't really listen to people
like linkin park but there song wasn't AS predictable as I thought it would be.
Bella's Lullaby was kind of a dissapointment for me and I think a lot of other people.
It doesn't fit the mood that is captured in the book.
This version seems dark and gloomy.... but not in a sweet "good vampire" type of way
(if that makes any sense).
I heard they asked Rob to write it but he refused. I don't blame him.
A lot of people are mad about of lot of things already. Personally I like their choices
of actors for the movie (for the most part). But I saw the preview before I read the books.
Anyway I think the Soundtrack is worth listening to (maybe more than once)
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