K I am obsessed with Matt & Kim right now and forever.
What song have I not posted of theirs?
basically just go listen to the whole album.

Also obsessed with Bat for Lashes
Siren Song and Glass are my faves
She's brilliant!
Last is:

Everytime You Lie - Demi Lovato
Sounds a lot like Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning.... but I like that song so hay!
I have not heard of Matt & Kim but at your suggestion perhaps I will check them out! That picture is really adorable and goofy of them hahaha.
Unfortunately I've put myself on a music ban of sorts (I can't buy new music until I listen to everything on my iPod... it may take a while hehehe... wonder how long this music thing is going to last hehehe)
I can't believe you haven't heard of Matt and Kim! I thought I had posted one of their songs before but then later realized I hadn't. I definitely recommend them. Their popular songs are Daylight and Lesson Learned but I like pretty much every song on their album.
Sounds like you have a huge task ahead of you, that would probably be a good idea for me but I don't know that I could do it haha.
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