for one I had a very busy Thanksgiving weekend. Next week is finals so I am preparing for that.... but mainly, once again I cannot decide which songs to choose. I have a couple of entire albums I want to talk about... but I think I will save those for when I have more time so I can really figure out what I need to say. So here are three awesome songs to check out or re-discover for now:

I am slowly falling in love with Karen O. I couldn't see what all the fuss was about for so long but I am finally realize, I mean, I get it. She sure can rock out but I think she's shows off her genius the most when it comes to the slower songs. I am fluent in her older albums but It's Blitz! is a keeper for sure. I love this remix of Soft Shock as well as the original. Hysteric and Little are also great slower songs. Also you should get the video for Maps on itunes or some other form because it's perfect for the song. ok yeah next.

yeah I think this whole thing is gonna end up being an ode to Yeah Yeah Yeahs or at least Karen O.
But seriously anything Arcade Fire touches is basically gold and the song is amazing in the first place... "win/win/win"...

Hysteric (Acoustic Version) - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Happy listening :)
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